Accessibility Tools


The most important way you can help your child to succeed at school is to ensure they attend regularly and on time.

If your child is ill you must phone the office before 9am with the following information:

  • Child’s name
  • Class
  • Reason for absence

If your child will be absent because of a medical appointment, please inform the office prior to the appointment.


It is important your child arrives at school on time. Classrooms are open from 8.45am and all children must be in class by 8.55am. If they arrive after that time, please bring your child to the school office to sign them in.

Absence due to holiday

School need to be informed in advance if you are planning to take your child on holiday during term time. A Leave of Absence Form needs to be completed and returned to the school office (see below)

Owing to changes in Government legislation, schools are no longer able to authorise absence for family holidays. Please be aware that if you decide to take your child on holiday during term time you may be subject to a fine from the West Northamptonshire County Council Education Entitlement Services. A copy of our Leave of Absence form and Policy is available below.

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