Safeguarding Information
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Clare Searing.
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads Nicola Laughton, Vicky Palmer and Lois Beshiri.
At Upton Meadows we want to support our children and families from being drawn into terrorism, becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism or extremism in any form or guise. As a Trust and as a school, there is no place for extremist views of any kind whether from internal sources; pupils, staff or governors or external sources; school community, external agencies or individuals. We recognise that extremism and exposure to extremist materials and influences can lead to poor outcomes for children. PREVENT is the prevention of children falling prey to radicalisation or extremism, and forms part of our Safeguarding Children approach.
Safeguarding Policy
Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can be found by clicking the link below.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Staying safe - Who can I talk to?
Everyone in our school has the right to feel safe all of the time. If you feel worried or unsafe you can talk to any of the adults in school. There are lots of links on this website to information about things you may be concerned about. There is also a telephone advice service where you can talk to someone in confidence about your worries. The number is 08001111 and the service is free from a landline and most mobiles (there may be a charge from some providers).
If you have any concerns about your child’s welfare, please make an appointment with the class teacher in the first instance. Remember, they will take any issue or concern you have seriously and are committed to helping your child feel safe at school. Most issues are resolved satisfactorily at this stage.
If you or the teacher feel that the issue cannot be resolved at this level, a meeting can be arranged with the Phase Leader or Deputy Headteacher to take this issue further.
If you are concerned about a child at our school please report this to one of our DSL's. Our lead DSL is Ms Searing and our deputy DSL's are Mrs Palmer, Mrs Beshiri, Mrs Laughton.
Our safeguarding governor is Lisa O'Reilly and our chair of governors is Ian Crich.
If you are worried about a child outside of school time, you can contact the local Multi Agency Support Hub for advice (anonymously if needs be) on 0300 126 1000.
Alternatively, Northamptonshire County Council offers guidance for agencies who support families that have children with special education needs. Click here to go to the link on their website.
For additional information, please use the links below:
NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (24 hours, every day)
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.
Designated Safeguarding Lead Information
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pdf DSL Job Description | Download |
pdf Deputy DSL Job Description | Download |