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Ofsted Information

Hardcopy Versions

Hardcopy versions of files from this website are available upon request at the school office.

Contact Details

The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed is:

Ms C Searing, Headteacher, The Square, Upton, Northampton, NN5 4EZ.

Telephone: 01604 683850

Admission Arrangements

Upton Meadows Primary is a school for girls and boys aged 5-11 and is part of Northamptonshire Academy Trust. We are a two-form entry school with a published admission number (PAN) of 60. Should this number be exceeded we will apply the criteria detailed in the Admissions Arrangements in the order stated.

Full details can be found here


Our Prospectus is available as a download in the sidebar.


Our most recent Ofsted inspection took place in September 2022, when we were graded as ‘Good’.  The inspection report and further information can be found here.

In April 2018 we converted to academy status as part of Northampton Primary Academy Trust and so re-opened as a ‘new’ school at this time.

Parent View gives you the chance to tell us and Ofsted what you think about our school. If you are a parent of a child at our school you can give your opinion at any time here.

Statutory Assessment School Outcomes & School Performance Tables

Our Statutory Assessment School Outcomes summary can be downloaded in the sidebar.

You can use the Compare Schools weblink in the sidebar to see how our school fairs against other schools.

School Curriculum

Information about the school curriculum is available within our "Curriculum" pages.

Click here

School Policies

All of our school policies can be found on the 'Our Policies' page.

Click here 

Sports Premium

Please see our page that is dedicated to this topic.

Click here

Special Educational Needs

The report prepared by the school under section 317(5)(a) of EA 1996 (duties of governing bodies in relation to special educational needs(6)) can be found in our Inclusion Policy, which can be found on our Inclusion page.

Click here

Trust funding agreement

Click here


A report outlining the ways in which we meet our Equality duty can be found on our Inclusion and Equality Page.

Click here


Our GDPR policy can be found on the 'Our Policies' page.

Click here 

Further information about our GDPR compliance can be found on our trust website here.


Key Files & Reports

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