Admissions Information
Northampton Primary Academy Trust welcomes children to join schools in our Trust both at the start of their school life (the academic year during which they turn five years old) and as a transfer from another school either at the beginning of an academic year or at any point during an academic year.
Pupils with an EHC Plan will be allocated a place where the school is named as being the appropriate provision.
Applications open on 8th September 2024 and close at midnight on 15th January 2025 for children who will turn five from 1st September 2025 – 31st August 2026.
National offer day for these children will be 16th April 2025.
New Reception Applications
Applications for reception places at NPAT schools should be made through your home local authority, regardless of where your chosen school is situated.
Mid-Year Applications
Applications for mid-year places at Upton Meadows Primary School should be made via the local authority:
Where applications for admission exceed the number of places available, please refer to the information contained in the Admission Arrangements document in the side bar.
Appeals against a place you have been allocated at Upton Meadows Primary School, should be made via the local authority:
For information regarding admissions on out Northampton primary Academy trust schools, please visit the trust website.