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About Us


" alt="Virtual Tour with Ms Searing" /> 


Upton Meadows Primary School is part of Northampton Primary Academy Trust (NPAT) and we are situated on the outskirts of Northampton on the still expanding estate of Upton. We have around 420 pupils on roll.

Our school building is quite unique and has an eco-design. We are fully accessible with facilities for wheelchair users.

We are extremely lucky to have extensive grounds including a garden patch, a wild area, a pond, a ball court, trim trail, large playground and field. We also have an area of forestry commission land on the estate which we use for our Forest school provision. We are passionate about outdoor learning and aim to take our learning outdoors as much as possible in all year groups.

We have a fabulous library at Upton Meadows and a librarian called Mrs Rew. As well as being able to borrow books, children share stories in the library and take part in the many competitions Mrs Rew runs throughout the year. We also have a reading shed on the playground which children can access at break and lunchtimes.

We have an active school council with elected reps from years 2-6. They meet regularly to work on projects chosen by the children. 

We also have an anti-bullying committee which was established last year as part of Anti-Bullying week. They have already undertaken Blue Butterfly training by local police officers to enable them to support children who are the victims of bullying. They will be working on developing our whole school strategy to tackle bullying this year.

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